My Grief and Loss Journey

Today I’m going to share a bit of my journey through grief and loss.  I’m sharing my personal journey for a couple of reasons.  First, I believe it may help you (my friends and readers) to know you are not alone, knowing that I have experienced similar emotions and feelings as you have, or are […]

Grief through Happiness – Guest Blog

Grief Revisited Through Happiness Sort of mindlessly scrolling through Facebook posts one morning  I was suddenly sobbing uncontrollably. Two things happened to prompt this ‘min-meltdown’…what I call it when repressed grief grabs me by surprise. I read a post by my daughter and I saw a beautiful picture of my oldest grandson, Mitchell. My daughter’s […]

Scriptures for Comfort during Grieving

Today I found a wonderful website while I was searching for prayers and scriptures to comfort someone who is grieving.  The website is:  and contains many scriptures for various circumstances. I copied the scriptures regarding comfort during grieving.  It’s a long list of scriptures, but I think if you look through them you will […]