Coping with Cumulative Grief and Multiple Losses

Two weeks ago I wrote about my own grief and loss journey.  In that post I wrote that I had been given a “revelation” that many of the emotions I had been feeling while posting about grief and loss were actually a form of intense grief and loss which had been repressed or unresolved.  This […]

Cry Easily, Like a Little Child-Guest Blog

Cry easily, like a little child In 2013, after my husband passed away, I stayed for several weeks in my daughter’s home. My granddaughter, Miranda spent a great deal of time with me and was such healing medicine. She loves to sing and I would videotape her ‘performances’. One day, I was lying in bed, […]

A Child’s Love-Healing Medicine

A Child’s Love I want to say, right up front, that as I re-read the original writing of this post, from  2013, the tears were flowing and I allowed myself to cry loud and long. Apparently, my grief from loss has not fully released…and that is just fine. I realize I am also crying over […]