Researching and Writing!

Hi to my friends and readers!

Just want to let you know I’ve not forgotten you, nor forgotten my job of posting here.

I am currently researching and working on some writing having to do with chronic illness.  It looks like it will end up to be more than one post on the subject, and I will post as much as is needed until we’ve covered the topic to everyone’s satisfaction.  The more I research, the more I discover this one subject could easily become a book.  And that is an option I will consider at a later date.

Not only was I the caregiver for 35+ years, working with patients with chronic illnesses, but I also have been dealing with my own chronic illnesses, some for more than 20 years.  So, I  know the toll chronic illness takes upon the patient, as well as the caregiver, having lived both roles myself. In my writings I plan to look at the issue from both sides of the fence.

I would appreciate any input you, the readers, would like to offer, as I do know that some of you know the world of chronic illness both as the patient and as the caregiver.

I hope to have my first writing on chronic illness published here tomorrow, so be on the lookout.  Until then, let me know if there is anything specific you would like me to cover in my writing on this subject.

Have a wonderful evening!


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